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Kori Money Transfer available at CBI Burkina

Kori Money Transfer available at CBI Burkina

Coris Bank International offers its customers in Burkina Faso a wide range of fast money transfer services. In March 2022, this offer is expanding with a new service, KORI MONEY TRANSFER.

With KORI MONEY TRANSFER, money can be sent and received to several African countries and to the rest of the world. With this new service marketed in all its branches in Burkina Faso, Coris Bank intends to bring people, organizations and families closer together on various occasions and for various reasons.
With KORI MONEY TRANSFER, fast money transfer is simple, convenient and secure.


Avec le développement du numérique, les fraudes augmentent et sont de plus en plus sophistiquées. Il est donc primordial de rester vigilant et d’agir avec prudence face aux appels téléphoniques, aux Emails et aux liens malveillants.
A Coris Bank International Burkina Faso, nous plaçons votre sécurité au centre de nos préoccupations.
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